From Reactive to Proactive Care Delivery
In New Mexico, a highly regarded cancer center received over 500 referrals per month in January and February of this year for treatments. In April, referrals were fewer than 100 patients, an 80% decrease, yet the two-year trend line reveals the need for cancer treatment did not diminish, seeking proper care did. Compounding the disquieting reality is the progressive characteristics of cancer.
A Simple Reopening Framework
Using Frameworks to bring insights is a necessary way to simplifying complexity when trying to solve big problems. Leaders can convey a deeper level of thought in a simple to understand graphic by adding a dimension and using a quadrant framework. We are living in a most uncertain time. Globally, we are experiencing a severe public health threat with unprecedented shelter in place and social distancing responsiveness. Without testing or a vaccine, we have no definitive way to determine when it will be safe for everyone to assume some sort of normal. The economic damage inflicted on us – to protect our most vulnerable demographic segments – is systemic and incalculable. In the U.S., on our current trajectory we could spike near 20 percent unemployment by late summer, the highest unemployment numbers since the great depression.
Functional vs. Emotional Branding
Functional vs. Emotional Branding: Creating a brand halo. Today’s marketing reaches buyer personas with tailored, relevant information indexing into buyer
Aurore Providing Organizations with Context in Moments of Chaos and Change.
Nearly all organizations (99%) have undergone a major enterprise-wide change in the last three years. The median tenure of a Fortune 1000 CEO is now less than five years. Both new normal factoids are during one of the greatest bull markets in U.S. economic history. In the “Control to Chaos Continuum”, organizations are reacting to uncontrollable, high impact market factors: disruptive innovations, lower barriers to entry, rapid-real-time competitive replication, industry consolidation to name a few. Further, even the so-called controllable internal factors: capability development, change management, culture, employee success and commitment are wavering.